Organisational Members in WA

ACSA thanks the following organisational members in Western Australia:

About Us

ACSA-WA helps to implement the strategic goals, priorities and actions of ACSA at the regional level. We help to build awareness of ACSA and citizen science in our local community and areas of interest, and we have the opportunity to provide a local voice, representation and communication channel at the national level.

The Western Australian Chapter of ACSA was officially launched on Friday 7th February 2018 at #CitSciOz18, ACSA’s National Citizen Science Conference in Adelaide, with over 150 citizen scientists and science communicators in attendance.

The Chapter currently holds general meetings 4 times a year (all welcome to attend), with management committee meetings held monthly. We communicate information on upcoming local, state and national events via our Facebook page (see

If you have any questions about citizen science in Western Australia, would like to receive the ACSA e-newsletter, are running any citizen science projects or would like to get involved, please feel free to contact us using the form at the bottom of the page.

Management Committee

The ACSA-WA coordinating committee consists of the following 4 volunteer representatives:

Alex Chapman

Consulting Scientist


Marnie Giroud

Director – Eco Gecko – Environment & Design


Dr Laura Skates

Associate Lecturer – University of Western Australia


Kelly Sheldrick

Citizen Science Project Manager – Conservation Council of WA


Citizen Science projects in Western Australia

Want to find out about current citizen science projects running in Western Australia? Browse our Project Finder.
You can also search for projects in your local council area using this interactive widget as featured by Guardian Australia.

Get Involved

To get involved in ACSA-WA, or to join the mailing list, please contact us using the form below.

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