Organisational members in Victoria
ACSA thanks the following organisational members in Victoria:
About Us
The Victorian Chapter of ACSA is led by citizen science program leaders across research, government and community sectors. Founding organisations include representatives from the EPA Victoria, the Victorian National Parks Association, Melbourne Water, the Bureau of Meteorology (Victoria), the Royal Society of Victoria and Museums Victoria, with a broader community of practice in support. Members of the Australian Citizen Science Association are eligible to join the management committee as officers or regular members, however Chapter meetings are open to all with an interest and commitment to refining practice in conducting citizen science programs and projects, and engaging more Victorians in the research and discovery process.
The beginning of the ACSA Victorian Chapter can be traced back to the inaugural ACSA Conference held in Canberra in 2015. At the conference several Victorian members discussed the idea of local catch-ups to support one another and work towards developing a network of citizen science practitioners. The idea was eventually acted on, with a meeting held at EPA Victoria in 2016. At that inaugural meeting, the purpose of the group and details of how the group would operate moving forward were determined. The group was formalised as an ACSA Chapter in 2018. The current chapter now operates with the primary aim of supporting a Community of Practice for Victorian citizen science practitioners.
If you have any questions about citizen science in Victoria, or would like to get involved, please feel free to contact us using the form at the bottom of the page.
Follow us on Facebook to keep in touch with what is going on!
Management Committee
The ACSA-VIC committee consists of the following volunteer representatives:

Pat Bonney
RMIT University

Ann Borda
The University of Melbourne

Lynne Lucas
NDE, Consultant
ACSA VIC Partnerships and Projects

Arjmund Khan
STEM Catalyst
ACSA VIC Partnerships and Projects
Get Involved
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