ACSA Management Committee

ACSA Management Committee

Blogs, Communication & promotion
At the Annual General Meeting of the Australian Citizen Science Association (ACSA), 20th November 2024, the following were appointed to the Management Committee click here Chair    Annie Lane Vice Chair    Stephanie von GavelTreasurer     Darryl Ebenezer Secretary     Mary-Lou GittinsGeneral members    Steve Turton,  Lisa Evans, Michelle Neil,  Larissa Braz Sousa, Bridie Schultz, and Jessie LongmuirChapter Chairs Daniel Harris-Pascal (ACT), Lynette Plenderleith (NSW), Eva Ford (QLD), Pat Bonney (VIC), Sylvia Clarke (SA) and Alex Chapman (WA) 
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Great Glossy Count

Great Glossy Count

Brush up on your Glossy ID skills at one of eight free workshops. Each workshop, generously hosted by our Conservancy Partners, is designed to give you the the knowledge needed to identify Glossies and their feed trees in the wild.Training events at 8 locations  August 15-September 7  The Great Glossy Count is on 7-8 September. Read more
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National Science Statement and National Science and Research Priorities.

National Science Statement and National Science and Research Priorities.

Department of Industry, Science and Resources have released the new National Science Statement and National Science and Research Priorities.Science is at the centre of the Australian Government’s ambition to deliver a Future Made in Australia and respond to 21st century challenges. The statement is a framework to shape science policy and leadership across governments, labs, research institutions and boardrooms, to 2034. The priorities emphasise the science and research we need to solve our greatest challenges. Read more
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