The Environment Institute’s mission is to deliver relevant, innovative and actionable outcomes to complex global environmental challenges, to benefit the health of our environment, our wellbeing and support the economy. Environment Institute researchers engage in a diverse range of cross-disciplinary research to gain an understanding of our environmental past and plan for a sustainable future. The institute has significant experience in delivering outcomes of importance and plays a vital role in translating research into management, policy and technology. We provide new knowledge and develop novel tools to better monitor climate change impacts, biodiversity, invasive species and ecosystem health; while our palaeontologists and evolutionary biologists learn from the past to better understand the future world.

We have experts in:
- Climate change: variation through time, resilience, adaption, mitigation and legal compliance.
- Conservation biology
- Environmental economics
- Evolutionary biology
- Genetics, ancient DNA and DNA barcoding
- Human health, behaviour and mobility
- Landscape transformation and restoration
- Low energy technologies
- Marine and freshwater ecosystems
- Natural hazard risk reduction
- Palaeontology
- Safeguarding biodiversity
- Water quality and supply

The Institute is proud to support the following University of Adelaide citizen science projects:
EchidnaCSI has engaged thousands of the general public to submit echidna sightings and scat material in order to gain unprecedented insights into wild echidna populations across the country.
iBandi aims to connect citizen scientists with scientists to find, share, and prioritise unoccupied blackberry habitat within bushland for endangered bandicoots.
For more information visit our website.