By John Pring, ACSA-ACT & Region Chair
The ACT & Region Chapter of ACSA was launched on Tuesday 30th April at the CSIRO Discovery Centre in Canberra. More than 70 citizen scientists, scientists and interested parties were in attendance.
The official launch was done by Minister Gentleman of the ACT assembly. This was followed by a series of intriguing and informative presentations, by Andrew Robertson (Questagame), Michael Mulvaney (ACT Government) on the Nature Mapper platform (watch here), Roger Farrow (Citizen Scientist) on a series of plant-based projects within the area (watch here) and Woo O’Reilly (ACT Government) on Waterwatch (watch here). A summary of the Chapters aims was also provided by yours truly (watch here). We rounded out the evening with social nibbles and drinks.
I would like to extend a big thank you to all of those that attended the evening and to those that helped out with the organisation of the event.