The Australian Citizen Science Association (ACSA) Early-Mid career researchers (EMCR) Working Group is excited to announce a new series of lunchtime seminars discussing exciting developments in Australian citizen science research.
With a goal to unite citizen science aligned researchers and practitioners in Australia, these seminars are a space to advance scholarship, provide support, share resources and advocate for new opportunities. We will hear from researchers conducting citizen science research in Australia, discuss challenges and opportunities we face while conducting such research and offer support for researchers taking their first steps into citizen science.
Who will be the speakers?
As the seminars are intended to share current research conducted in Australia and discuss its developments, opportunities and challenges, the speakers will be members of our growing community.
We have three brave volunteers to lead us in conversation for the first three seminars. After that, we welcome presentation ideas from our community (information on how to volunteer will be discussed in the first seminar and sent through in the coming weeks). The presentations will be followed by a community discussion tackling local and global citizen science issues.
Who is invited?
The seminars will be of particular interest and benefit to students and early career researchers involved in and/or considering citizen science research. We also invite practitioners, policymakers and those from outside institutional settings interested in the research and practice of citizen science.
The seminars will take place on the first Thursday of every month, 12:00-1:30pm AEDT, beginning on March 4th. Bring your lunch with you and get ready to join an exciting conversation.
Don’t forget to save the date!
How do I register?
Click on the following link to join our community of practice and receive ongoing updates about the lunchtime seminar series.
To register for the first seminar, at 12PM Thursday March 4th press here. The seminar will be delivered by Dr. Pat Bonney, details to follow.
Looking forward to seeing you soon!
ACSA EMCR Working Group