Both the inaugural Fungimap Research Grants and the Australasian Mycological Society Research Grants are now open for applications!
The Fungimap Research Grant is open to citizen scientists and those building the capacity of fungi citizen science in Australia, while the Australasian Mycological Society Research Grant is open to mycologists, scientists and students associated with an Australasian research organisation.
Full details and guidelines on the links below:
Fungimap Research Grant Announcement 2022
Fungimap Research Grant Guide 2022
Australasian Mycological Society Research Grant 2022

For the Fungimap grant, citizen scientists are invited to apply for between $500-$2000, with up to $3000 total funds expected to be distributed across two programs on research projects focussed on improving knowledge of Australia’s native macrofungi.
Applications close Thursday 14th April 2022.
Enquiries to
Fungimap gratefully acknowledges the generous support of every individual and organisation who have made our Research Grants possible by donating to Fungimap and our Christmas Appeal, and Steve Axford for use of fungi image.
Is this grant still open?