Building the BrushTurkey app
Matthew Hall won the "Spotteron Competition" at #CitSciOz18, and his Brushturkey app is now live Matthew Hall, PhD Candidate, Integrative Ecology Lab, The University of Sydney I’d like to start this post by saying how incredibly grateful I am to the Australian Citizen Science Association for this opportunity to engage with the citizen science community, as well as to Spotteron for the fantastic work they did in building this app. Working with Spotteron to design and roll out the BrushTurkey app has been a unique and rewarding experience for me. Throughout the process I have been impressed by Spotteron’s expertise and the potential for citizen science to contribute to the broader scientific understanding of my study species and Australian wildlife in general. [caption id="attachment_7651" align="alignleft" width="248"] Matthew and a tagged…