ACSA would like to extend you an invitation to attend the 2020 Annual General Meeting of of the Australian Citizen Science Association and elections for positions on the ACSA Management Committee.

During the AGM we will provide:
- An overview of our achievements from the year;
- A summary of the 2019-20 Financial Statements, and
- An opportunity for members to elect five new members to the management committee.
- Open
- Apologies / Proxies
- Presentation of Previous Minutes
- Association Reports
- Guest Speaker
- Election Results and endorsement of new Management Committee Membeers
- Other Business
- Meeting Close
Enquiries regarding the ACSA AGM to be directed to Amy Slocombe, National Coordinator via
Please register your attendance via Humanitix here.
Please note the zoom login details will be sent to you via email prior to the meeting.
If you can’t attend, we encourage you to fill out and return the proxy form (download here), to enable someone else to represent you at the meeting.