The Annual General Meeting of the Australian Citizen Science Association will be held on Friday 29th October from 12pm to 12:45pm (AEDT) via Zoom. The meeting will be held in conjunction with ACSA’s citizen science conference. You don’t need to be a registered conference delegate to attend the AGM but you do need to be a current ACSA member to attend.

During the AGM we will provide:
- An overview of our achievements from the year;
- A summary of the 2020/21 Financial Statements, and
- An opportunity for members to elect five new members to the management committee.
- Open
- Apologies / Proxies
- Presentation of Previous Minutes
- Association Reports
- Election Results and endorsement of new Management Committee Membeers
- Other Business
- Proposed amendment to ACSA’s constitution to establish a public fund with Deductible Gift Recipient status
- Public Liability Insurance (notification that ACSA holds appropriate Public Liability Insurance)
- Meeting Close
Enquiries regarding the ACSA AGM to be directed to Amy Slocombe, National Coordinator via
You may no longer RSVP for this event.