My Year in Bhutan
By Danielle Northey, ACSA member and volunteer [caption id="attachment_14851" align="alignleft" width="250"] Danielle Northey with a Rheum nobile, a peculiar species of rhubarb which grows above 4000m[/caption] As I snuggled with my daughter in the warm autumn sun streaming through the window of our home nestled in the Himalayan mountains of Bhutan, I commented that the peach tree was beginning to lose its leaves. I said winter was on its way and that I was waiting for the Yellow-billed blue magpies to return to our garden. As if by cue, a Yellow-billed blue magpie streaked past our window. These majestic magpies are nothing like Australian magpies. They have elongated tails which make them glide through the air. Their tails are stripy and their bills are yellow, as you might expect, but I…