ACSA heads to the United Nations

ACSA heads to the United Nations

Blogs, Collaboration & partnerships, Communication & promotion
By Erin Roger, ACSA Chair I’d heard about the traffic gridlock in Nairobi- but I guess I never really understood how bad it could be. I am stuck in traffic heading back to my hotel and going nowhere fast. [caption id="attachment_6167" align="alignleft" width="587"] A public bus or ‘sacco’ in Nairobi traffic[/caption] But let me re-wind. I’m in Nairobi as one of around 20 people who are part of an international citizen science delegation attending the United Nations Science-Policy-Business Forum from December 2nd-3rd at the UN Complex. The UN complex in Gigiri is an oasis of green set on 140 acres and filled with indigenous tree species and Sykes’ monkeys. The focus of the Forum is pollution and how to bring together and encourage collaboration between science, policy and business to…
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Caren Cooper’s new book: Citizen Science

Caren Cooper’s new book: Citizen Science

Communication & promotion
Caren Cooper, one of our exciting keynote speakers for #CitSciOz18, has a new book out "Citizen Science: How Ordinary People are Changing the Face of Discovery". Released in the USA about a year ago, it is now available in the UK, and ACSA is excited to have been sent three free copies from the London publisher...which we will be offering as conference prizes! Professor Muki Haklay, University College London, has written a blog post reviewing the book, which you can read here. Have you read the book? Let us know your thoughts! We look forward to hearing more from Caren at #CitSciOz18 in February 2018.  
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Event promotion via ACSA social media

Communication & promotion
Keen for ACSA social media to promote your event? Make it graphic! Posts with images perform well and make it easier to share information across social media. The information is ingrained in the image, so there is less onus to get the accompanying text correct! You can make great graphics for free through the website When making a graphic, be sure to include: Name of event, e.g. ACSA Conference Date and time, e.g. 7-9 Feb, 2018 Any social media tags or accounts, e.g. #CitSciOz18 @CitSciOZ Website or contact info, e.g. Simply send your graphic or event details to Michelle Neil, ACSA's social media moderator, and she will post and tweet away!
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