Bushfire recovery Project Finder is live

Collaboration & partnerships, Communication & promotion
In mid-April CSIRO officially announced its partnership with ACSA and the Atlas of Living Australia in producing the Citizen Science Bushfire Project Finder. CSIRO’s Chief Executive Larry Marshall and Minister for Industry, Science and Technology Karen Andrews were both quoted in the media release with Minister Andrews reiterating her commitment to citizen science “Despite the challenges we are facing, the Australian spirit remains strong and it is obvious that our citizens are eager to do their part in the bushfire recovery process.” The Bushfire Project Finder features a geographic filter enabling users to identify available projects in their area. It can be accessed here.  The media release prompted a number of media inquiries with some great publicity resulting from this work. Have a listen to ALA’s Director Andre Zerger on ABC’s Goulburn-Murray (time stamp 2.19) or ACSA Chair Erin Roger followed by the Australian Museum’s Paul Flemons on ABC…
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“Join Flutracking” Prof Paul Kelly urges Australians

“Join Flutracking” Prof Paul Kelly urges Australians

Collaboration & partnerships, Communication & promotion, Engaging citizens
On 6 April 2020 Professor Paul Kelly, Deputy Chief Health Officer, encouraged all Australians to join Flutracking to help track the spread of COVID-19. Following this  Dr. Craig Dalton, co-ordinator of Flutracking.net reached out to ACSA and asked for our assistance in spreading this message far and wide. Participating in this citizen science project is easy, and will provide incredibly valuable information that can help us track COVID-19 and other illness in real time. Join Flutracking at https://info.flutracking.net/ and complete a simple 30 second survey once a week. Join Flutracking now.
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City Nature Challenge is GO!

City Nature Challenge is GO!

Communication & promotion, Engaging citizens
“Imagine how many species we could document if everyone in Australia just spent a few hours a day for four days documenting the biodiversity in their own backyard!” Sick of staying indoors? Have you heard about the biggest backyard bioblitz Australia has ever seen?  For the first time ever the City Nature Challenge is being contested by four Australian cities. Due to COVID-19, the City Nature Challenge (Australian organisers) are also encouraging everyone in Australia to join in the fun and bioblitz their own backyards (or balconies) in the name of science! It all takes place from the 24th to 27th April inclusive, but there are also daily challenges leading up to the big event, so get the kids involved too! Please note: the iNaturalist app is rated as ages…
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Welcome to Global CitSciMonth!

Welcome to Global CitSciMonth!

Collaboration & partnerships, Communication & promotion, Engaging citizens
Citizen Science Month offers thousands of opportunities for you to turn your curiosity into impact. There’s something for everyone, everywhere! If you are #HomeSchooling, #StayAtHome or just having a #Staycation you can join a project or event from wherever you are to help scientists answer questions they cannot answer without you. There is something on every day (and night) during CitSciMonth and most are suitable for students to join in online. Check out the calendar for more information here such as the Grey Mangrove Hunt or join the ACSA team in the Stall-A-Thon where we will be helping to find a cure for Alzheimers with Stall Catchers. Note: Check the time zones before you sign up for web events as this is a global events month. Is your favourite citizen science project…
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Are you ready to BioBlitz?

Are you ready to BioBlitz?

Communication & promotion, Engaging citizens
With less than 50 days until the 5th City Nature Challenge (CNC) the four Australian cities competing are busy training citizen scientists and getting the word out on social media. International founders and organisers, Lila Higgins (Natural History Museum of LA County) and Alison Young (California Academy of Sciences), anticipate more than 40,000 people worldwide will make & share over 1 million observations of nature in over 230 cities from the 24th to 27th of April inclusive. All Australian iNaturalist research-grade observations are added to the Atlas of Living Australia via the iNaturalist Australia node. You can read more about that here. Philip Roetman and ACSA SA recently hosted their first CNC training session. Part one of "Using iNaturalist" can be found on the Adelaide City Nature Challenge YouTube channel…
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ACSA-Vic event: How can Citizen Science contribute to public health?

ACSA-Vic event: How can Citizen Science contribute to public health?

Communication & promotion, Engaging citizens, Meetings and Events
Join our next Citizen Science event and discover how citizen science can contribute to public health. When: 3pm - 5:00pm, 25 March, 2020 Where: Kathleen Syme Library and Community Centre, 251 Faraday St, Carlton. RSVP: via Eventbrite Guest presenters: Ann Borda, Centre for the Digital Transformation of Health - The University of Melbourne  Ann is a Senior Research Fellow in the Centre for the Digital Transformation of Health at The University of Melbourne. Ann has a PhD in information science from University College London which has served as a springboard for her commitment towards transdisciplinary scholarship. Ann's own research focuses on participatory health, digital health literacy, and smart cultural heritage. Ollie Conlan, Bicycle Network More than two thirds of Australians, including children, don’t get enough exercise. The stats tell us…
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Entries to the 2020 Eureka Prize for Innovation in Citizen Science are now open!

Entries to the 2020 Eureka Prize for Innovation in Citizen Science are now open!

Communication & promotion
Are you involved in a citizen science project that is building STEM knowledge or skills, empowering greater community engagement in STEM, or changing attitudes towards STEM? Sponsored by the Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources the Eureka Prize for Innovation in Citizen Science is awarded for demonstrated excellence in citizen science practice, through an innovative research and community engagement project. Who can enter? The prize is open to individuals and teams. People can either enter themselves or be nominated by others. Projects of all sizes and scopes – from localised community focused projects to national scale initiatives – are welcome to enter. Activity entered for the prize must have taken place in the past 5 years It’s a brilliant opportunity to get your project noticed; finalist representatives will be…
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Adelaide takes on the Challenge!

Adelaide takes on the Challenge!

Communication & promotion, Field-based citizen science, Meetings and Events
Have you heard of the City Nature Challenge? Last year, 159 cities were involved globally, with more than 35,000 participants, but none in Australia. We are changing that this year, with four cities representing our nation: Greater Adelaide Area (SA), Geelong (VIC), Redland City (QLD) and Sydney (NSW). We are involved in an international competition to find and document plants and wildlife in cities across the globe. We hope you can make a contribution! How to get involved: You can participate as an individual and we hope you can spread the word to get friends and colleagues involved, too! When? Any time from April 24 to April 27 – you can participate for four minutes or four days (any time you can spare)! How? Find wild plants and wildlife in…
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Citizen Science Bushfire Response Project Audit

Citizen Science Bushfire Response Project Audit

Collaboration & partnerships, Communication & promotion, Engaging citizens
The unprecedented continental scale of the current Australian bushfires is devastating. They have led to the loss of lives, homes, habitats and biodiversity on a huge scale. In this time of extreme loss, we are buoyed by the amazing response of individuals and communities in this time of crisis.  We believe there is a role for citizen science to assist across multiple disciplines, at scale, in many research and monitoring capacities to contribute to important and valuable science that is needed now and into the future. ACSA is seeking to support conversations and plans – both short and long term - that help further connect the citizen science community to contribute to the complex efforts required to learn from and understand the impact of the bushfires (see ACSA bushfire response).…
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Voting open – 2019 AGM

Voting open – 2019 AGM

ACSA development, Communication & promotion
Voting is now open for the election of members to the ACSA Management Committee for 2020-2021. We received six nominations for the two General Member positions available. The six candidates are listed below - you can find their profiles and answers to four questions about the field of citizen science, together with details relevant skills and experience, here.  Alternatively, you can access individual profiles by clicking on the images below. Please use this information to help you decide which two candidates to vote for. General Member Candidates [caption id="attachment_16498" align="alignleft" width="150"] Jordan Gacutan (NSW)[/caption] [caption id="attachment_16496" align="alignleft" width="150"] Dr Cobi Calyx (SA)[/caption] [caption id="attachment_16497" align="alignleft" width="150"] Jonathan Inglis (VIC)[/caption] [caption id="attachment_16499" align="alignleft" width="150"] Dr Maxine Newlands (QLD)[/caption] [caption id="attachment_16500" align="alignleft" width="150"] Rosalinde Brinkman (QLD)[/caption] [caption id="attachment_2532" align="alignleft" width="150"] Jennifer Loder…
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