Voting Open!

Voting Open!

ACSA development, Meetings and Events
Voting is now open for the election of members to the ACSA Management Committee for 2019-2020. We received ten nominations in total for six open positions (General Member Jennifer Loder still has one year remaining in her term, and she will continue on the committee through 2019). For the positions of Chair, Vice Chair, Treasurer and Secretary, one nomination was received per position. The candidates who nominated for these positions will therefore be elected unopposed. For the two open positions of General Member, we received six nominations. The six Candidates are listed below - you can find their profiles and answers to four questions about the field of citizen science, together with details relevant skills and experience, here. Please use this information to help you decide which two candidates to vote for. General Member Candidates Julie Boulton…
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Notice of Annual General Meeting

Notice of Annual General Meeting

ACSA development, Meetings and Events
ACSA would like to extend an invitation to you to attend our Annual General Meeting of 2018 and elections for the next two year's management committee positions. All members of ACSA are invited to attend. During the AGM we will provide: An overview of our achievements from the year; A summary of the 2017 and 2018 Financial Statements, audited by the Australian Museum, and An opportunity for members to elect the new management committee. AGENDA 10:30am - Doors Open 10:30am to 10:45am - Registration / Networking 10:45am - Annual General Meeting DETAILS Thursday 15th November, 2018 Hallstrom Theatre, Australian Museum | 1 William Street, Sydney, NSW 2010 For those unable to attend in person, we will be live streaming the event via our Facebook page. Registration is required!  Please RSVP:…
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Would you like to join our team?

Would you like to join our team?

ACSA development
ACSA Management Committee ACSA will shortly be calling for nominations from interested persons to join its Management Committee. The following positions will soon be open for nomination and will be voted upon at the Annual General Meeting in November 2018 (date TBC). Terms of office are for two years. Chair Vice Chair Treasurer Secretary General Members (2) ACSA is looking for energetic, creative, resourceful and forward-thinking individuals who have vision and understanding of the possibilities and challenges that are emerging in citizen science. We are looking for people with diverse experience who can contribute at a strategic and practical level to building a strong, sustainable and dynamic Association, so that it becomes the hub for citizen science in Australia. Commitment required as a Management Committee member: Participation in monthly to bimonthly meetings (teleconference/skype). Time for…
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ACSA-WA Meet + Greet

ACSA development, Collaboration & partnerships, Communication & promotion, Engaging citizens
By Agi Gedeon, ACSA-WA Chair The WA Chapter of the Australian Citizen Science Association was officially launched in February 2018 at the Australian Citizen Science Conference, #CitSciOz18. We had our first ACSA-WA public event on Saturday 12th May and invited citizen science practitioners, volunteers, scientists and end-users to meet and mingle to learn about many active and successful projects. It was a perfect sunny day in King’s Park and there was a good number attending. A few new faces as well. We heard about a number of interesting projects including an astronomy project to be launched by ICRAR, also a bit about DolphinWatch and fungi walks and a PhD project on red-tailed black cockatoos, another on non-insect pollinators and Birdlife Australia. [caption id="attachment_15324" align="alignleft" width="960"] Deborah Bowie, MicroBlitz Project Manager, speaking to…
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ACSA t-shirts are here!

ACSA t-shirts are here!

ACSA development, Communication & promotion
What will you be wearing to #CitSciOz18? Your brand new ACSA t-shirt of course! Free for all ACSA Members, this groovy black and orange t-shirt features the 'tools of citizen science', and will be available for collection at the conference registration desk from Wednesday 7th February! A variety of sizes will be available for you to choose from. For those ACSA members not coming to the conference, your t-shirt will be mailed out to you. Additional t-shirts can be purchased for $20 each!  
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Entering a new age

Entering a new age

ACSA development, Conferences
Welcome to the new website for the Australian Citizen Science Association (ACSA), and the start of a new era for the citizen science community of Australia! The Management Committee (past and present) along with a slew of incredible people have been working hard to create a tool that will enable our community to connect across Australia, share projects and ideas, and to start delivering membership options and benefits. This new website has been built specifically for our growing community, and will help ACSA support the development of citizen science best practice within Australia. Become a foundation member today! Registrations for #CitSciOz18 opened on Wednesday 1 November with early bird rates closing December 15th. Register now to secure your place! Be sure to keep an eye out in our newsletter (subscribe here)…
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New ACSA Publication List

New ACSA Publication List

ACSA development
We are pleased to announce the start of the ACSA publication list! The ACSA publication list is a quarterly electronic listing of publications in the field of citizen science within the Australian Community. The listing is intended to inform those within the Australian citizen science community of recently accepted papers, conference proceedings, book chapters and dissertations. You can contribute to this list! How to submit a contribution to the listing: Submitting a contribution can be done by sending an email to with the following information: title author's names and addresses (or affiliations) abstract the journal/proceedings/book with a link to the published document Please only submit those publications where you are the author (to prevent duplication) and only include those that have been ACCEPTED for publication so that our listing does not become a preprint server. If you have any questions or suggestions on…
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The ACSA logo identity

The ACSA logo identity

ACSA development
We are pleased to share with you our new ACSA logo. Our brief for the design of the ACSA graphic identity was that it needed to reflect: that we are an Australia-wide connected network of people any kind of science growth and spread We also said it should be bright and appealing across all types of media and formats (websites, brochures, social media etc). Holly Webber our designer has responded very well to this brief, giving us something that has already evoked a wide range of responses, “flowers, fish, and fractals” have been first responses from the first sight of the logo, people only seeing the people element later. Some other elements that come out are: the central star/flower has 8 elements – reflecting the 8 Australian States and Territories…
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What are your thoughts on a ACSA?

ACSA development
Citizen science is a rapidly growing, collaborative method of engagement which allows non-professionals (as volunteers) the opportunity to participate and contribute to scientific research. These working partnerships can include volunteers from the general community, educators, students and businesses and the outcomes of  citizen science projects results in many mutual scientific, education and engagement benefits. Scientific projects requiring 'citizen scientists' have expanded almost exponentially in the last 10 years (largely as a result of the internet) and consequently, the design, delivery and analysis of scientific projects incorporating citizen scientists is rapidly changing. Citizen science stakeholders are now forming local and national 'communities of practice' such as the European Citizen Science Association and the (American) Citizen Science Association to ensure all aspects of citizen science (including science communication, volunteer recruitment and retention, data…
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