How do we influence the leading edge of policy frameworks for science and citizen science?
You are invited to two upcoming events on maximising the impact of the UNESCO Recommendation on Open Science in Australia. The first is a workshop hosted virtually by the University of Sydney: Tuesday 21 September, 9-12pm (AEST) | Maximising the impact of the UNESCO Recommendation on Open Science Register here. Following on from that will be a workshop as part of the Australian Citizen Science Associations' 2021 Conference: Friday 29 October 9.30-11am (AEST) | Opening Science to Society through Citizen Science: What are the next steps for Australia? Register for the conference here. These events follow on from an initial conversation held at the Centre for Public Awareness of Science (CPAS), ANU in May of this year and seek to develop a roadmap for the inclusion of citizen science in high level strategic discussions about…