ACSA Seed Grant Winners

Communication & promotion, Grants
We are very excited to announce the winners of ACSA's 2021 Seed Grants; MYCOmmunity Applied Mycology and 2 Bent Rods! Each will be provided with $1000 to assist the growth and development of their citizen science projects. MYCOmmunity Applied MycologyEma CorroMYCOmmunity Applied Mycology will use the money to train volunteers in taking herbarium specimens of fungi and in the use of basic laboratory equipment and techniques related to environmental DNA and DNA sequencing.  The Wild Fungi DNA Project is a very exciting initiative and has the potential to have a big impact and greatly enhance our knowledge of the distribution of Australian fungi. With only 5% of the estimated 250,000 species of Australian fungi being described, and the infrequent sightings and recording of fungi fruiting bodies, the use of eDNA…
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Sign up for a BioBlitz this summer

Collaboration & partnerships, Communication & promotion, Engaging citizens, Field-based citizen science
Members of the public are being invited to participate in a citizen science research program to boost existing bushfire recovery, data collection and monitoring activities for impacted wildlife.  Supported through the Australian Government’s Regional Bushfire Recovery Fund, the program includes funding for a Citizen Science Coordinator position based within the Atlas of Living Australia hosted by the CSIRO to support the delivery of three bushfire recovery projects. Minister for the Environment Sussan Ley said citizen science projects present a unique opportunity to improve the science on bushfires, future preparations and bushfire actions.  “Three projects under the program are supporting fire-affected communities to engage with nature and the science of recovery,” Minister Ley said.  “The first project will see CSIRO run a series of weekend long ‘BioBlitz’ events in bushfire-affected regions…
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Symposium on Science Festival 2021 – Thailand

Symposium on Science Festival 2021 – Thailand

Collaboration & partnerships, Communication & promotion, International, Meetings and Events
You are all invited to the first symposium on Citizen science in Thailand “The Rise of Citizen science – Elevating communities to sustainable development goals on public health and the environment”. The symposium will be held online on the 17th of November, starting at 9.00 AM and finishing at 4.00 PM Thailand Time (GMT+7) and it is free for everyone to join. Professor Graham Durant, Director Questacon, is one of the keynote speakers, along with many others who have been working and developing successful citizen science projects around the world on various platforms. They will share their experiences and inspire researchers, science communicators, campaigners, and communities to be more involved in citizen science, to build better and more sustainable communities for Thailand's health and environment.  Agenda Register
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Open Call for $100,000 in funding for Built Environments Biodiversity Project 2021

Open Call for $100,000 in funding for Built Environments Biodiversity Project 2021

Collaboration & partnerships, Communication & promotion, Grants
Call for proposals: The Atlas of Living Australia (ALA) and the Australian Urban Research Infrastructure Network (AURIN) have announced a collaborative open call for partners on the Built Environments Biodiversity Project. ALA and AURIN are looking to collaborate with project partners who will design, build and deliver a project informed by citizen science that will examine the intersection of biodiversity with built environments in Australia. The project must result in a new research infrastructure that will be used by the AURIN and ALA research communities and have a citizen science element. They are offering up to $100,000 for a project that will be complete within twelve months. Applications close 13 December at 5:00PM (AEDT). For details and to apply:
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ACSA Western Australia events

ACSA Western Australia events

ACSA development, Collaboration & partnerships, Communication & promotion, Engaging citizens, Meetings and Events
The ACSA-WA re-launch event on Saturday 23rd October at the new Education Centre in Kings Park and Botanic Garden had a great turnout to hear wonderful speakers. Starting with an Acknowledgement of Country, a fascinating video by our patron Professor Lyn Beazley, an introduction to our four Chapter committee members, and on to wide-ranging presentations on local citizen science practitioners, the event was a great success. Nic Dunlop presents to the audience on a range of CCWA citizen science projects Thanks to our speakers Marnie Giroud (Gilbert's Potoroo Action Group), Dr Kerry Trayler (River Guardians, DBCA), Dr Tegan Douglas (BirdLife WA), Drs Kevin Vinsen and Lisa Evans (The International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research) and Dr Nic Dunlop (Conservation Council of WA). The event finished with a short walk along…
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Engaging Science Grants NOW OPEN

Engaging Science Grants NOW OPEN

Communication & promotion, Grants
Do you have an idea to engage Queenslanders in science? Applications for the Engaging Science Grants for up to $20,000 are now open to support teachers, scientists and community groups to: run events and activities that inspire students to study STEM subjects and promote STEM careers engage with the wider community to increase awareness of the amazing science happening in Queensland deliver projects including citizen science that grow community engagement with scientists The grants support our new Engaging Queenslanders in science strategy and projects should align to one of the three goals in the strategy. Apply before 1pm, Monday 15 November 2021:
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ACSA Seed Grants closing tomorrow

ACSA Seed Grants closing tomorrow

Communication & promotion, Grants
Could you be the next recipient of $1000? The 2021 ACSA Seed Grants are closing tomorrow, Friday 1st October 2021! Have you got your application in yet? You can put the grant towards your citizen science project, your professional development or towards an open access publication. The quick and easy application process is open to all ACSA members. Get yours in before midnight tomorrow (Friday 1st October).  For all the details and to apply, please see our Call for Applications.
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Notice of 2021 AGM

Notice of 2021 AGM

ACSA development, Communication & promotion, Meetings and Events
The Annual General Meeting of the Australian Citizen Science Association will be held on Friday 29th October from 12pm to 12:45pm (AEDT) via Zoom. The meeting will be held in conjunction with ACSA's citizen science conference. You don't need to be a registered conference delegate to attend the AGM but you do need to be a current ACSA member to attend. During the AGM we will provide: An overview of our achievements from the year; A summary of the 2020/21 Financial Statements, and An opportunity for members to elect five new members to the management committee. AGENDA Open Apologies / Proxies Presentation of Previous Minutes Association Reports Election Results and endorsement of new Management Committee Membeers Other Business Proposed amendment to ACSA's constitution to establish a public fund with Deductible…
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“How to open up research innovation to young people?”

“How to open up research innovation to young people?”

Collaboration & partnerships, Communication & promotion, International, Meetings and Events, Social research in CS
Our sister association ECSA warmly invites you to the first webinar put on by the Empowerment, Inclusiveness and Equity working group together with the YouCount EU project. “How to open up research & innovation to young people?”Friday 24th September 2021, 13:00-15:00 CESTVia ZoomAgenda and registration link are here: Please refer details below from Claudia Göbel, Co-Chair of the working group. Young people in Europe are facing many challenges with regard to social inclusion. Social participation, employment, social belonging are important examples. There is a pressing need to develop more knowledge and innovation to create more inclusive and youth-friendly societies. One way to contribute to this is Citizen Social Science with young people - Youth Citizen Social Science (Y-CSS). We organise a series of three webinars to discuss central questions…
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Seed Grants 2001 – Call for applications!

Seed Grants 2001 – Call for applications!

ACSA development, Communication & promotion, Grants
Two $1000 Grants available - apply now!ACSA is proud to launch it's 4th round of Seed Grants. Established in 2018 we have so far awarded 7 Seed Grants - worth a total of $5,500 - to ACSA members, to help give their citizen science project a boost or to advance their own professional development in the citizen science space.Applications are now open for the 2021 Seed Grants. What’s in it for you? * $1000 to seed your professional development or your project’s growth, or to pay for an open access publication of a citizen science paper. * Exposure for your project and/or organisation. * Motivation to initiate something you have always wanted to do. * Quick and easy application process (online application form). Last year, two ACSA members won ACSA…
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