Notice of 2019 ACSA AGM
ACSA would like to extend you an invitation to attend the 2019 Annual General Meeting of of the Australian Citizen Science Association and elections for two General Member management committee positions. During the AGM we will provide: An overview of our achievements from the year; A summary of the 2018-19 Financial Statement, and An opportunity for members to elect two new General Members to the management committee. AGENDA 1:00pm - Doors Open 1:00pm to 1:15pm - Registration / Networking 1:15pm - Annual General Meeting 2:00pm - Close DETAILS Monday 11th November, 2019 Meeting Room 450 | Level 4 Carslaw Building F07 | Eastern Avenue, University of Sydney, NSW 2006 (Meeting Room 450 directions) For those unable to attend in person, we will be offering the meeting as a Zoom meeting…