Mozzie Monitors and Urban Foresters with ACSA-SA

Mozzie Monitors and Urban Foresters with ACSA-SA

ACSA development, Communication & promotion
By Katie Irvine, ACSA-SA Chair The South Australian Chapter hosted a community meeting with citizen science presentations at Glenunga Hub on Thursday evening 13th June. Craig Williams from UniSA spoke about some citizen science projects that his group have started over the last year. These include Mozzie Monitors: A crowd-funded mosquito surveillance program throughout SA involving over 100 citizen scientists, and Activating Citizen Scientists: An initiative with SA Health’s Office for Ageing Well. Philip Roetman from the City of Burnside gave the first public talk about his new Urban Foresters Project. This project is enabling local residents to learn about and help monitor the urban forest, with a variety of activities to cater for different interests. [caption id="attachment_15465" align="alignleft" width="960"] Dr. Philip Roetman of the Burnside City Council talking about Urban…
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ACSA-SA meeting: 6th June

ACSA-SA meeting: 6th June

ACSA development, Communication & promotion, Meetings and Events
The South Australian Chapter of the Australian Citizen Science Association (ACSA-SA) invite you to join us for a citizen science meeting on Thursday 6th June at the Glenunga Hub, 6-7pm. The meeting will include two project leaders who will talk about their SA-based citizen science projects and you will hear about the US citizen science conference that was held in March from one of our committee members who attended. This event is open to practitioners and participants in SA citizen science or anyone who has an interest in this area of research. Here at ACSA-SA we are aiming to bring the citizen science community in South Australia closer. We hope to see you at this meeting. Speakers are Dr. Philip Roetman (Burnside City Council - Urban Foresters) and A/Prof. Craig…
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ACSA Victoria’s new look committee

ACSA Victoria’s new look committee

ACSA development
Last month ACSA-Vic held elections for positions on its management committee. We are pleased to announce the following office bearers: CHAIR Kade Mills ReefWatch Coordinator, Victorian National Parks Association       VICE CHAIR Tess Hayes Citizen Science Officer, EPA Victoria       SECRETARY Yvonne Cabuang Waterwatch Coordinator, Melbourne Water       COMMITTEE MEMBER Linden Ashcroft Lecturer, The University of Melbourne       COMMITTEE MEMBER Julian O'Shea CEO, Unbound       COMMITTEE MEMBER Pat Bonney PhD Candidate, Research Officer, Centre for eResearch and Digital Innovation (CeRDI)       COMMITTEE MEMBER Christine Connelly Lecturer in Environmental Science, Victoria University         If you are based in Victoria and would like to get involved in Chapter activities, please don't hesitate to get in touch with Kade…
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Launch of ACSA-ACT & Region

Launch of ACSA-ACT & Region

ACSA development
By John Pring, ACSA-ACT & Region Chair The ACT & Region Chapter of ACSA was launched on Tuesday 30th April at the CSIRO Discovery Centre in Canberra. More than 70 citizen scientists, scientists and interested parties were in attendance. The official launch was done by Minister Gentleman of the ACT assembly. This was followed by a series of intriguing and informative presentations, by Andrew Robertson (Questagame), Michael Mulvaney (ACT Government) on the Nature Mapper platform (watch here), Roger Farrow (Citizen Scientist) on a series of plant-based projects within the area (watch here) and Woo O’Reilly (ACT Government) on Waterwatch (watch here).  A summary of the Chapters aims was also provided by yours truly (watch here).  We rounded out the evening with social nibbles and drinks. I would like to extend…
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Expression of Interest – Host Institution of ACSA

Expression of Interest – Host Institution of ACSA

ACSA development
Introduction The Australian Citizen Science Association (ACSA) was formed to advance citizen science through the sharing of knowledge, collaboration, capacity building and advocacy. We are a member-based community that supports, informs and develops citizen science. ACSA membership is open to citizen science project managers, volunteers or anyone with an interest in citizen science. ACSA currently has 255 active members and 11 organisational members. ACSA is a fully member-based incorporated association and registered charity. We are governed by a volunteer Management Committee consisting of a Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, three General Members and one Host Institution representative. ACSA currently has one paid staff member or National Coordinator who works three days per week. We have an active social media presence with 4,037 Facebook followers and 4,235 followers on Twitter. For…
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Survey results are in!

Survey results are in!

ACSA development
From July to October 2018, we asked for feedback from Australian Citizen Science Association members and our broader network to find out more about our community and how we can help support this network and better shape our association. Thank you to everyone who participated in the survey! The results are in and the information you provided us has been collated and presented in the following report: ACSA member & network feedback 2018 This feedback has already contributed to efforts to support, develop and grow the ACSA community by informing the devopment of the strategic plan for 2019-2021, and additional actions based on your feedback are detailed in the report. Should you have any comments or questions about this report, please don't hesitate to contact us.
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Citizen Science Victoria – Call for Nominations

Citizen Science Victoria – Call for Nominations

ACSA development
We need you! We started something special in 2018 with the Victorian Chapter of the Australian Citizen Science Association. This year, we need you to help us to build a vibrant program for our state’s community of practice (and interest) by joining our Management Committee! We’re looking for committed, capable, enthusiastic people to keep us all connected to and learning from each other. If you have a role in citizen science and have some time and energy to offer us, we’d be grateful to receive your application for one of the following roles: Chair Vice-Chair Secretary/Treasurer Engagement Officer General Committee Member (3 places) Descriptions of these roles are available here. Help Lead our Program We aim to bring the Committee together at least quarterly to plan the Chapter’s program, organise events and align with the programs of member…
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Launch of ACSA-SA

ACSA development, Communication & promotion
By Katie Irvine, ACSA-SA Chair The South Australian Chapter of ACSA was launched with a bang on Friday night 1st February. The Rob Roy Hotel in Adelaide was packed to the rafters with over 150 citizen scientists, science communicators and enthusiastic South Australians in attendance. Excellent presentations from Tahlia Perry (EchidnaCSI - The University of Adelaide), Steve Walker (FrogwatchSA - Natural Resources Adelaide and Mt Lofty Ranges) and Jasmin Packer (FungiMap - The University of Adelaide) entertained and informed. The audience had a chance to voice many insightful questions during the lively panel discussion. [caption id="attachment_15121" align="alignleft" width="960"] SA's Chief Scientist with panelists Tahlia, Jasmin and Steve[/caption] We were honoured that SA's new Chief Scientist, Professor Caroline McMillen, attended the event and gave an impromptu speech on the importance of making…
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Launch of ACSA-QLD, Citizen Science Strategy and more!

Launch of ACSA-QLD, Citizen Science Strategy and more!

ACSA development, Communication & promotion
By Michelle Neil, ACSA-QLD member & ACSA Secretary Did you know that the very first meeting to form ACSA started at the Queensland Museum? On the 10th of May 2014 more than 80 people met to develop this community of practice we now call ACSA. It's amazing to realise that it has been less than 5 years ago since it all began... January 24th 2019 was a landmark day for citizen science in Queensland as Minister Leeanne Enoch formally launched the new ACSA-QLD Chapter and announced the Queensland Government’s Citizen Science strategy and grants at the Queensland Museum. Citizen science groups including Cooloola Coast Care, Qld Health’s Zika Mozzie Seeker, Scenic Rim Wildlife, BirdLife Southern QLD, Brisbane Catchments Network, CoralWatch, Healthy Land and Water, Gold Coast Catchment Association, Griffith Centre…
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ACSA gains UN Environment Accreditation!

ACSA development
On 18 December 2018, ACSA was granted successful accreditation an NGO to the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). You can read the Letter of Accreditation here. "But what exactly does that mean?" you ask. Well, accreditation provides non-governmental organisations with observer status to the Assembly and its subsidiary bodies according to Rule 70 of the rules of procedure of the United Nations Environment Assembly of UN Environment. Accreditation brings many advantages with respect to participation in the work of UN Environment’s Governing Bodies, such as the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA) of UN Environment and the Committee of Permanent Representatives. Accreditation is the main entry point for groups such as ours into policy dialogue at UN Environment. In the process leading up to sessions of the United Nations Environmental Assembly…
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