Mozzie Monitors and Urban Foresters with ACSA-SA

Mozzie Monitors and Urban Foresters with ACSA-SA

ACSA development, Communication & promotion
By Katie Irvine, ACSA-SA Chair The South Australian Chapter hosted a community meeting with citizen science presentations at Glenunga Hub on Thursday evening 13th June. Craig Williams from UniSA spoke about some citizen science projects that his group have started over the last year. These include Mozzie Monitors: A crowd-funded mosquito surveillance program throughout SA involving over 100 citizen scientists, and Activating Citizen Scientists: An initiative with SA Health’s Office for Ageing Well. Philip Roetman from the City of Burnside gave the first public talk about his new Urban Foresters Project. This project is enabling local residents to learn about and help monitor the urban forest, with a variety of activities to cater for different interests. [caption id="attachment_15465" align="alignleft" width="960"] Dr. Philip Roetman of the Burnside City Council talking about Urban…
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ACSA-SA meeting: 6th June

ACSA-SA meeting: 6th June

ACSA development, Communication & promotion, Meetings and Events
The South Australian Chapter of the Australian Citizen Science Association (ACSA-SA) invite you to join us for a citizen science meeting on Thursday 6th June at the Glenunga Hub, 6-7pm. The meeting will include two project leaders who will talk about their SA-based citizen science projects and you will hear about the US citizen science conference that was held in March from one of our committee members who attended. This event is open to practitioners and participants in SA citizen science or anyone who has an interest in this area of research. Here at ACSA-SA we are aiming to bring the citizen science community in South Australia closer. We hope to see you at this meeting. Speakers are Dr. Philip Roetman (Burnside City Council - Urban Foresters) and A/Prof. Craig…
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@CitSciTC – A Citizen Science Conference For Everyone

@CitSciTC – A Citizen Science Conference For Everyone

Collaboration & partnerships, Communication & promotion, Conferences
Towards the end of 2019 we will see something that has never happened in citizen science before – our first ever worldwide twitter conference! Do you have a smartphone? An internet connected laptop? A computer with wifi? Does your local library have public computers connected to the internet or provides access to wifi? If so then you can participate. But here’s the great thing - there is no venue to pay for and no accommodation needed so this is the cheapest conference you will ever attend! What is a Twitter Conference? A Twitter conference is a virtual conference that takes place on Twitter under the hashtag #CitSciTC. Just like a regular conference, #CitSciTC will feature research presentations and even keynotes, but the talks will be delivered via a series of tweets…
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T-shirt competition!

T-shirt competition!

Communication & promotion
Let's get into the spirit of #citscimonth in April with a t-shirt competition! No, we're not stretching or doing yoga...who can guess the MC's pose?  Competition Details To enter the competition, wear your ACSA t-shirt and post a photo of yourself on social media with the hashag #citscioztee. You can post your photo directly to the ACSA Facebook page or tag us on Twitter or Instagram. It can be a selfie, a group pic with friends, family, colleagues or pets. Get creative and remember, only the entrant needs to be wearing the ACSA t-shirt in the photo. Winner and Prize  The photo that receives the most likes before the competition closes on April 30th, 2019, will win a $50 gift voucher from the Australian Museum shop. Not located in Sydney? No problem! ACSA…
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Launch of ACSA-SA

ACSA development, Communication & promotion
By Katie Irvine, ACSA-SA Chair The South Australian Chapter of ACSA was launched with a bang on Friday night 1st February. The Rob Roy Hotel in Adelaide was packed to the rafters with over 150 citizen scientists, science communicators and enthusiastic South Australians in attendance. Excellent presentations from Tahlia Perry (EchidnaCSI - The University of Adelaide), Steve Walker (FrogwatchSA - Natural Resources Adelaide and Mt Lofty Ranges) and Jasmin Packer (FungiMap - The University of Adelaide) entertained and informed. The audience had a chance to voice many insightful questions during the lively panel discussion. [caption id="attachment_15121" align="alignleft" width="960"] SA's Chief Scientist with panelists Tahlia, Jasmin and Steve[/caption] We were honoured that SA's new Chief Scientist, Professor Caroline McMillen, attended the event and gave an impromptu speech on the importance of making…
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Launch of ACSA-QLD, Citizen Science Strategy and more!

Launch of ACSA-QLD, Citizen Science Strategy and more!

ACSA development, Communication & promotion
By Michelle Neil, ACSA-QLD member & ACSA Secretary Did you know that the very first meeting to form ACSA started at the Queensland Museum? On the 10th of May 2014 more than 80 people met to develop this community of practice we now call ACSA. It's amazing to realise that it has been less than 5 years ago since it all began... January 24th 2019 was a landmark day for citizen science in Queensland as Minister Leeanne Enoch formally launched the new ACSA-QLD Chapter and announced the Queensland Government’s Citizen Science strategy and grants at the Queensland Museum. Citizen science groups including Cooloola Coast Care, Qld Health’s Zika Mozzie Seeker, Scenic Rim Wildlife, BirdLife Southern QLD, Brisbane Catchments Network, CoralWatch, Healthy Land and Water, Gold Coast Catchment Association, Griffith Centre…
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Free Seminar with Martin Brocklehurst – 11 Sept

Free Seminar with Martin Brocklehurst – 11 Sept

Collaboration & partnerships, Communication & promotion, Uncategorized
The Australian Citizen Science Association, CSIRO and GeoScience Australia present the following FREE public seminar by Martin Brocklehurst: Global Citizen Science - Can Citizens Deliver and Make a Difference? Tuesday 11 September, 2018 9:30am - 10:30am CSIRO Discovery Theatre Black Mountain, ACT REGISTER NOW! More Information We are witnessing an explosion of Citizen Science activity as technology makes it possible for citizens to take part in science and deliver unprecedented levels of quality data across the globe. Martin Brocklehurst has been at the fore front of activity to bring the global citizen science community together to develop global programmes that have the potential to provide data and information that can be used to: Empower citizens to manage emerging risks to their health and wellbeing; To provide information to Governments that…
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Seed Grants available for ACSA Members – call for applications!

Seed Grants available for ACSA Members – call for applications!

Communication & promotion, Engaging citizens
ACSA is excited to announce a new initiative.  As a way of giving back and investing in our members we’ve started the ACSA Seed Grants. The Seed Grants are $500 each and will be awarded to three ACSA members to seed their professional growth or their project’s growth in line with ACSA’s strategic goals of Participation and Practice. These goals are: Participation - Encourage & promote broad and meaningful participation of society in citizen science so people become partners in creating science & increasing science literacy. For example (but not limited to): Activities that encourages participation in a citizen science project, could be a workshop, an event or a school outreach program or an app. Development of a citizen science project that aims to meet these goals Resources or training…
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ACSA-WA Meet + Greet

ACSA development, Collaboration & partnerships, Communication & promotion, Engaging citizens
By Agi Gedeon, ACSA-WA Chair The WA Chapter of the Australian Citizen Science Association was officially launched in February 2018 at the Australian Citizen Science Conference, #CitSciOz18. We had our first ACSA-WA public event on Saturday 12th May and invited citizen science practitioners, volunteers, scientists and end-users to meet and mingle to learn about many active and successful projects. It was a perfect sunny day in King’s Park and there was a good number attending. A few new faces as well. We heard about a number of interesting projects including an astronomy project to be launched by ICRAR, also a bit about DolphinWatch and fungi walks and a PhD project on red-tailed black cockatoos, another on non-insect pollinators and Birdlife Australia. [caption id="attachment_15324" align="alignleft" width="960"] Deborah Bowie, MicroBlitz Project Manager, speaking to…
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ACSA t-shirts are here!

ACSA t-shirts are here!

ACSA development, Communication & promotion
What will you be wearing to #CitSciOz18? Your brand new ACSA t-shirt of course! Free for all ACSA Members, this groovy black and orange t-shirt features the 'tools of citizen science', and will be available for collection at the conference registration desk from Wednesday 7th February! A variety of sizes will be available for you to choose from. For those ACSA members not coming to the conference, your t-shirt will be mailed out to you. Additional t-shirts can be purchased for $20 each!  
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