Read about ACSA Community Achievements via our Annual Report for 2021-2022

Read about ACSA Community Achievements via our Annual Report for 2021-2022

ACSA development, Collaboration & partnerships, Communication & promotion, Conferences, Engaging citizens, Meetings and Events
The Australian Citizen Science Association community had diverse achievements throughout the 2021-2022 financial year, and we are delighted to share an overview of them in our ACSA Annual Report! You can read about our efforts to support our community and broaden the reach of citizen science at local, national, and international levels. Check out the suite of incredible activities our state- and territory-based Regional Chapters have been delving into. Reminisce about the inspiring online national citizen science conference - #CitSciOz21. Learn how our burgeoning consulting endeavours and broader partnerships are continuing to grow. It is evident that we have an incredible community doing a wide variety of remarkable things that empower people with science! We hope our members enjoy perusing the report! If you have feedback or questions after reading…
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Free webinar: How to use drones to monitor ecosystems

Free webinar: How to use drones to monitor ecosystems

Collaboration & partnerships, Communication & promotion, Data management, Meetings and Events
When: Monday July 18, 2022 | 7:30 - 8:25pm AEST Online event: Zoom link will be delivered upon registering for this event Hosted by: GeoNadir & ACSA As you already know, our precious ecosystems are under threat. Fortunately, technology is advancing to the point where citizen scientists like us can contributeto real solutions. One of those solutions involves using drones to capture imagery of our local ecosystems. Through the use of drones and the associated technology, we can contribute to solving thechallenging global problems we are all facing. We have partnered up with Technical Lead and Co-Founder of GeoNadir, Dr Karen Joyce. Shewill be presenting a webinar all about how to use drones to monitor ecosystems. Dr Joyce is a scientist, academic, and educator. During her time as Senior Lecturer…
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2021 Seed Grant – MYOCOmmunity Applied Mycology Progress Report

2021 Seed Grant – MYOCOmmunity Applied Mycology Progress Report

Communication & promotion, CS Project, Grants
By Ema Corro, winner of a 2021 ACSA Seed Grant Our project aims to use citizen science to rapidly increase knowledge of fungal taxonomy and ecology. As part of this we have been training volunteers to record sightings of fungi using iNaturalist, to take and describe herbarium specimens and do microscopy and DNA work on fungi. The equipment we bought with the ACSA grant has allowed us to show volunteers how to extract DNA from mushrooms and environmental samples for sequencing and tests for environmental DNA. For the next stages of our project we are planning to study the effects of storm damage on soil fungi and do some pilot runs sequencing environmental DNA in animal scats. We are also developing tests to look for invasive as well as endangered species of…
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2021 Seed Grant – 2 Bent Rods Progress Report

2021 Seed Grant – 2 Bent Rods Progress Report

Communication & promotion, Grants
By Samantha Beckmann, winner of a 2021 ACSA Seed Grant We are so grateful to have won an ACSA Seed Grant to help promote the use of the 2 Bent Rods free fishing app, where recreational & professional fishers can upload photos and contribute data about the size and health of fish in their catch.  Currently we have about 500 fishers using the app. We also use the app to help in the management of our fishing competitions, which encourage fishers to take a photo of native fish and release them, or in the case of pest fishing competitions, help to keep track of pest numbers before disposal. With users sharing their catches, we will be able to gain an understanding of the main fish caught from shore based fishers.…
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ACSA Membership to align with financial year

ACSA development, Communication & promotion
Over the next little while we will be transitioning the ACSA membership program to align with the financial year, rather than having a rolling membership program. Synchronising membership has a number of benefits including administrative efficiencies, the ability for membership drives and the simplification of automatic renewals. It will also allow us to manage our brand new members-only Facebook group (see below for details). All new memberships and renewals that commence from now will have an expiry date of 30 June 2023 (or 2024 if you select a 2 year term). What this means for existing members Your current membership will expire 12 months from your most recent purchase date. Upon renewal, your membership will automatically be converted to the new membership period (1 July – 30 June) and a…
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CitSciOz21 videos now available

CitSciOz21 videos now available

Communication & promotion, Conferences, Meetings and Events, Showcasing science outcomes
Six months have passed since our 3rd National Citizen Science Conference CitSciOz21, which means that all the conference content - talks, workshops, keynotes and symposiums - are now available on our YouTube channel for general viewing! Our amazing social media guru Michelle Neil has been busy uploading all the videos and you will see the CitSciOz21 playlist continue to grow until she's done them all. Huge thanks to Michelle for her countless and dedicated hours to ACSA. So jump on in and revisit some of the wonderful presentations, or for those of you who didn't attend the event, check them out for the first time! CitSciOz21 - YouTube Playlist
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ACSA International Citizen Science Community of Practice – March 2022

ACSA International Citizen Science Community of Practice – March 2022

ACSA development, Collaboration & partnerships, Communication & promotion, International
This Community of Practice is dedicated to increasing and enriching broader knowledge in Australia of international citizen science. The group will explore and share knowledge of what’s happening across the world in citizen science. Through this work we will develop networks and collaborations across skills and research areas. If you are interested in learning more and makeing further advances together at the global level, please be invited to join this ACSA CoP by signing up here. Below, you find more information on the rationale of the CoP, how we work and how you can become engaged. Background & rationale for the ACSA International CoP We know of the great global initiatives that need and encourage citizen science, like the SDGs and the UNESCO Open Science Recommendation. We are also aware that…
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Fungimap Research Grants open!

Fungimap Research Grants open!

Communication & promotion, Grants
Both the inaugural Fungimap Research Grants and the Australasian Mycological Society Research Grants are now open for applications! The Fungimap Research Grant is open to citizen scientists and those building the capacity of fungi citizen science in Australia, while the Australasian Mycological Society Research Grant is open to mycologists, scientists and students associated with an Australasian research organisation.Full details and guidelines on the links below:  Fungimap Research Grant Announcement 2022Fungimap Research Grant Guide 2022Australasian Mycological Society Research Grant 2022 For the Fungimap grant, citizen scientists are invited to apply for between $500-$2000, with up to $3000 total funds expected to be distributed across two programs on research projects focussed on improving knowledge of Australia's native macrofungi.  Applications close Thursday 14th April 2022.Enquiries to Fungimap gratefully acknowledges the generous support of every individual and organisation who have…
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Insights from a Eureka Prizes judge: Dr Erin Roger

Insights from a Eureka Prizes judge: Dr Erin Roger

Collaboration & partnerships, Communication & promotion
Dr Erin Roger is a Sector Lead at Atlas of Living Australia, former Chair of the ACSA and a longstanding judge for the Eureka Prize for Innovation in Citizen Science — now in its seventh year. The Eureka team at the Australian Museum caught up with Erin recently to look inside the judging process, discuss why you should consider entering and reflect on the evolution of citizen science. It's a great insight and we encourage you to take a read.
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Now open – 2022 Eureka Prize for Innovation in Citizen Science

Now open – 2022 Eureka Prize for Innovation in Citizen Science

Communication & promotion, Meetings and Events
Are you involved in an innovative research and community engagement project? The Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources Eureka Prize for Innovation in Citizen Science is a great opportunity to get your work recognised. Winners will also be awarded $10,000 in prize money, so there are two great reasons to enter! While it’s essential that the entered work aligns with the prize purpose and assessment criteria, and conditions of entry are met, judges aren’t looking for a particular ‘type’ of project. So, if you can meet the above requirements, consider making 2022 the year you put your work forward. The Eureka Prizes team is available to provide entry support through until the deadline, so contact them with any questions via Entries close 7pm AEST Friday 6 May Image of…
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