ACSA-ACT & Region Seminar: 10 June

ACSA-ACT & Region Seminar: 10 June

Collaboration & partnerships, Communication & promotion, Meetings and Events
"Consolidating and sharing knowledge among citizen science practioneres: the WeObserve co-design approach to Communities of Practice" SPEAKER: UTA WEHN Date: Thursday 10 June 2021 | Time: 7:30PM - 8:30 PM AEST REGISTER NOW Abstract Along with the rapid increase of citizen science initiatives around the world, the number of citizen science practitioners is also growing. Practice-based knowledge on how to address the challenges that citizen science initiatives are facing is advancing. Yet this knowledge and experience is often dispersed among various stakeholders in academia, the private and public sectors and civil society. In order to consolidate and share this dispersed knowledge, the WeObserve project co-designed Communities of Practice (CoP) to serve as the vehicle for sharing information and creating new knowledge on selected key thematic topics related to citizen science.…
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Communication & promotion, Conferences
‘Celebrate, Communicate, Co-create’ The 4th conference of the Australian Citizen Science Association 27 – 29 October, 2021 We are so excited to invite you to CitSciOz21 – an online citizen science conference experience from 27 – 29 October 2021.  Centered around the themes of Celebrate, Communicate, and Co-Create, our virtual experience will ensure a highly interactive and engaging event, with the capacity to network with your fellow attendees, speakers, and sponsors as well as providing you with the learning outcomes and benefits you would come to expect from an in-person event. Celebrate Explore, investigate and showcase successful citizen science projects from Australia and the rest of the world. Citizen science is leading to amazing developments across the world. From the tiny to the huge, and from the personal to local, national and global.…
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Opening Science to Society – a global challenge

Opening Science to Society – a global challenge

Collaboration & partnerships, Communication & promotion, Meetings and Events
How do we “Open Science to Society? If "science is a human right”, how do we enable everyone to engage and benefit?   UNESCO’s upcoming Recommendation on Open Science - an exploration - what is it? what will it do? and can we work with it? You are invited to join a CPAS “brown bag” presentation on Thursday May 20th from 12 - 1pm (AEST).  This will be a hybrid session and if you would like to attend in person, you will be very welcome, but please contact Libby Hepburn as places are limited due to Covid. The meeting will be held in the Green Room, Peter Baume Building, 42A Linnaeus Way, Australian National University, ACTON 2601, Canberra.  Join Zoom Meeting ID: 823 3893 6513Password: 734381One tap mobile+61731853730,,82338936513#,,,,0#,,734381# Australia
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Now open – 2021 Eureka Prize for Innovation in Citizen Science

Now open – 2021 Eureka Prize for Innovation in Citizen Science

Collaboration & partnerships, Communication & promotion
Are you involved in an innovative research and community engagement project? The Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources Eureka Prize for Innovation in Citizen Science  is a great opportunity to get your work recognised. Winners will also be awarded $10,000 in prize money, so there are two great reasons to enter! While it’s essential that the entered work aligns with the prize purpose and assessment criteria, and conditions of entry are met, judges aren’t looking for a particular ‘type’ of project. So, if you can meet the above requirements, consider making 2021 the year you put your work forward. The Eureka Prizes team is available to provide entry support through until the deadline, so contact them with any questions via Image of Virtual Reef Diver (Queensland University of…
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Picture a Scientist – exclusive member offer

Picture a Scientist – exclusive member offer

Communication & promotion, Inclusivity
In honour of International Womens Day 2021, ACSA would like to offer a complimentary screening of the incredible 'Picture a Scientist' documentary to our members*.  PICTURE A SCIENTIST chronicles the groundswell of researchers who are writing a new chapter for women scientists. Biologist Nancy Hopkins, chemist Raychelle Burks, and geologist Jane Willenbring lead viewers on a journey deep into their own experiences in the sciences, ranging from brutal harassment to years of subtle slights. Along the way, from cramped laboratories to spectacular field stations, we encounter scientific luminaries - including social scientists, neuroscientists, and psychologists - who provide new perspectives on how to make science itself more diverse, equitable, and open to all.  The first 100 current ACSA members who register will receive their own unique link to a private virtual screening room,…
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Book Launch invitation

Book Launch invitation

Communication & promotion, Meetings and Events
Last month the book ‘Geographic Citizen Science Design: No one left behind’, edited by Dr Artemis Skarlatidou and Prof.  Muki Haklay, was published Open Access by UCL Press (view or download here).   On the 23rd of March, from 5 to 6pm (GMT) (which is unfortunately at the inconvenient hour of 4am AEDT) you are invited to a book launch event, which includes a keynote by Susanne Hecker, Chair of the European Citizen Science Association. Other speakers include Dr Antonella Radicchi and Simon Hoyte who will discuss their chapters on soundscape research using the Hush City App and addressing illegal poaching in Cameroon using Sapelli and a Q&A session. If you would like to attend the event please use this link to register where you can also view a more…
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Grants open: Murray-Darling Healthy Rivers

Communication & promotion
The Australian Government is inviting applications for funding under Round 1 of the Murray–Darling Healthy Rivers Program (Small Grants). There is $6 million available in total funding for this round. Grants range between $5,000 and $50,000. This is an open, competitive grant round.The program aims to: improve health and ecological condition of rivers and wetlands in the Murray–Darling Basin that build on water recovered through the Murray–Darling Basin Planimprove community involvement in restoring the environmental health of theMurray–Darling Basinincrease economic activity and employment in Basin communities as a result of grant funding. Applications close at 9:00 pm AEDT on 31 March 2021.Information about applying for this round can be found on the Community Grants Hub website and GrantConnect.
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Citizen Science Lunchtime Seminars

Citizen Science Lunchtime Seminars

ACSA development, Collaboration & partnerships, Communication & promotion, Education, Inclusivity, Meetings and Events
The Australian Citizen Science Association (ACSA) Early-Mid career researchers (EMCR) Working Group is excited to announce a new series of lunchtime seminars discussing exciting developments in Australian citizen science research. With a goal to unite citizen science aligned researchers and practitioners in Australia, these seminars are a space to advance scholarship, provide support, share resources and advocate for new opportunities. We will hear from researchers conducting citizen science research in Australia, discuss challenges and opportunities we face while conducting such research and offer support for researchers taking their first steps into citizen science. Who will be the speakers? As the seminars are intended to share current research conducted in Australia and discuss its developments, opportunities and challenges, the speakers will be members of our growing community. We have three brave…
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Understanding perceptions of citizen science in policy and practice – survey

Collaboration & partnerships, Communication & promotion, CS Project
Do you work in #prevention, health promotion or healthy environments? ACSA Member Leah Marks invites you to take part in a quick survey to understand how and why you engage with the public in your work. Leah is a PhD candidate with the University of Sydney exploring the potential role of citizen science in policy and practice in preventive health as a means to complement or strengthen how the public engages in research and decision-making for chronic disease prevention. Her project aims to understand how citizen science approaches may be used to inform policy and practice in preventive health. "We are inviting individuals working in preventive health policy and practice to complete a brief (15 minute) survey exploring how public engagement approaches, such as citizen science are perceived and used…
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