UN Asia-Pacific Science Policy Business Forum

UN Asia-Pacific Science Policy Business Forum

Collaboration & partnerships, International, Meetings and Events
ACSA was really proud to be a part of the UN's Science Policy Business Forum yesterday. We heard about the importance of equitable access to data and the value of a citizen science approach across the region. Thanks to Libby Hepburn for helping to organise the Australian speakers Graham Durant from Questacon and Heidi Tait from Tangaroa Blue Foundation. Great collaboration with our friends at CitSci.org #science #data #collaboration #citizenscience. Full agenda here https://lnkd.in/grCQtUEA
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Invitation: UN Science-Policy Business Forum, 5 October

Collaboration & partnerships, Meetings and Events
The inaugural Regional Session of UNEP Science Policy Business Forum for Asia and the Pacific (AP-SPBF) will be held on Tuesday 5 October, 2021. With this event, the UNSPBF are giving the Global Citizen Science Partnership an unparalleled opportunity to put citizen science on the political map of the Asia Pacific Region. Members of all the citizen science associations around the world are encouraged to register and take part as delegates to gain experience of these meetings.   Martin Brocklehurst (ECSA) has been working with CitSci Asia and ACSA to ensure that there is a strong citizen science presence at this meeting. Graham Durant, Director of Questacon, will represent the Global Citizen Science Association, including CitSci Asia and ACSA, in the High Level Session of this important political event.  Heidi…
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How do we influence the leading edge of policy frameworks for science and citizen science?

Collaboration & partnerships, Meetings and Events
You are invited to two upcoming events on maximising the impact of the UNESCO Recommendation on Open Science in Australia. The first is a workshop hosted virtually by the University of Sydney: Tuesday 21 September, 9-12pm (AEST) | Maximising the impact of the UNESCO Recommendation on Open Science Register here. Following on from that will be a workshop as part of the Australian Citizen Science Associations' 2021 Conference: Friday 29 October 9.30-11am (AEST) | Opening Science to Society through Citizen Science: What are the next steps for Australia? Register for the conference here. These events follow on from an initial conversation held at the Centre for Public Awareness of Science (CPAS), ANU in May of this year and seek to develop a roadmap for the inclusion of citizen science in high level strategic discussions about…
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Notice of 2021 AGM

Notice of 2021 AGM

ACSA development, Communication & promotion, Meetings and Events
The Annual General Meeting of the Australian Citizen Science Association will be held on Friday 29th October from 12pm to 12:45pm (AEDT) via Zoom. The meeting will be held in conjunction with ACSA's citizen science conference. You don't need to be a registered conference delegate to attend the AGM but you do need to be a current ACSA member to attend. During the AGM we will provide: An overview of our achievements from the year; A summary of the 2020/21 Financial Statements, and An opportunity for members to elect five new members to the management committee. AGENDA Open Apologies / Proxies Presentation of Previous Minutes Association Reports Election Results and endorsement of new Management Committee Membeers Other Business Proposed amendment to ACSA's constitution to establish a public fund with Deductible…
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“How to open up research innovation to young people?”

“How to open up research innovation to young people?”

Collaboration & partnerships, Communication & promotion, International, Meetings and Events, Social research in CS
Our sister association ECSA warmly invites you to the first webinar put on by the Empowerment, Inclusiveness and Equity working group together with the YouCount EU project. “How to open up research & innovation to young people?”Friday 24th September 2021, 13:00-15:00 CESTVia ZoomAgenda and registration link are here: https://cutt.ly/sWpvxKo Please refer details below from Claudia Göbel, Co-Chair of the working group. Young people in Europe are facing many challenges with regard to social inclusion. Social participation, employment, social belonging are important examples. There is a pressing need to develop more knowledge and innovation to create more inclusive and youth-friendly societies. One way to contribute to this is Citizen Social Science with young people - Youth Citizen Social Science (Y-CSS). We organise a series of three webinars to discuss central questions…
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ForestEye in the Spotlight during National Science Week

ForestEye in the Spotlight during National Science Week

Collaboration & partnerships, Communication & promotion, Meetings and Events
The Australian Citizen Science Association has partnered with the Natural Resources Commission of NSW (NRC, lead partner) and the Atlas of Life to deliver a new and exciting forest monitoring citizen science project named ForestEye. This project will be piloted on the south coast of NSW in October (dependent on Covid-19 restrictions). ForestEye will engage citizen scientists from the local community to collect seasonal data on a range of biodiversity information. They will be trained by experienced ecologists to use a variety of equipment such as remote sensor cameras to undertake data collection at select sites. The results from this project will contribute to the NRC’s decision-making, reporting and management activities to improve biodiversity outcomes. In celebration of this upcoming initiative, Cassie Thompson (Senior Advisor) from NRC together with Libby…
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Seeking citsci researchers to showcase work

Seeking citsci researchers to showcase work

Collaboration & partnerships, Communication & promotion, Meetings and Events
As part of National Science Week this year, Greater Sydney Parklands is looking for citizen science groups or researchers who may like to showcase their projects to a broad general public audience. “Science in the Swamp” will be held in Sydney's eastern suburbs on 15 August 2021 and “Science in the Scrub” will be held in the Blacktown/Liverpool area on 22 August 2021. The descriptions of both events are found below. It would be wonderful to see some citizen science projects using these events as platforms to communicate your amazing work! Event details are: Science in the Swamp: Superheroes’ KitchenCentennial Park and Moore Park Trust, Centennial Park, 15-August 2021, 11-3pm Who are the superheroes among Australia’s wildlife, and what keeps them going? Which are the fastest and strongest and who…
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ACSA-ACT & Region Seminar: 10 June

ACSA-ACT & Region Seminar: 10 June

Collaboration & partnerships, Communication & promotion, Meetings and Events
"Consolidating and sharing knowledge among citizen science practioneres: the WeObserve co-design approach to Communities of Practice" SPEAKER: UTA WEHN Date: Thursday 10 June 2021 | Time: 7:30PM - 8:30 PM AEST REGISTER NOW Abstract Along with the rapid increase of citizen science initiatives around the world, the number of citizen science practitioners is also growing. Practice-based knowledge on how to address the challenges that citizen science initiatives are facing is advancing. Yet this knowledge and experience is often dispersed among various stakeholders in academia, the private and public sectors and civil society. In order to consolidate and share this dispersed knowledge, the WeObserve project co-designed Communities of Practice (CoP) to serve as the vehicle for sharing information and creating new knowledge on selected key thematic topics related to citizen science.…
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Opening Science to Society – a global challenge

Opening Science to Society – a global challenge

Collaboration & partnerships, Communication & promotion, Meetings and Events
How do we “Open Science to Society? If "science is a human right”, how do we enable everyone to engage and benefit?   UNESCO’s upcoming Recommendation on Open Science - an exploration - what is it? what will it do? and can we work with it? You are invited to join a CPAS “brown bag” presentation on Thursday May 20th from 12 - 1pm (AEST).  This will be a hybrid session and if you would like to attend in person, you will be very welcome, but please contact Libby Hepburn as places are limited due to Covid. The meeting will be held in the Green Room, Peter Baume Building, 42A Linnaeus Way, Australian National University, ACTON 2601, Canberra.  Join Zoom Meetinghttps://anu.zoom.us/j/82338936513?pwd=UEhkd1paNU9uYnBHY041WTJnTXMyQT09Meeting ID: 823 3893 6513Password: 734381One tap mobile+61731853730,,82338936513#,,,,0#,,734381# Australia
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EMCR Seminar Update

EMCR Seminar Update

Meetings and Events
Thanks to everyone who attended the first EMCR seminar on March 4th. It was a great event and for those that missed it you can view the recording below: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PyCLf3qq8cM&feature=youtu.be Our next seminar will be on Thursday April 1st at 12PM AEDT. The seminar will be delivered by Jack Nunn who will be discussing 'Involving everyone in research: Creating the evidence'. Following the presentation, we will have a guided conversation facilitated by A/Prof. Ann Borda about reporting citizen science data and how to do so consistently. For more information and to register to the seminar click here. Are you interested in sharing your work with the EMCR community of practice? Please Register your interest in delivering a seminar about your work emphasizing on the challenges and opportunities you have faced…
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