Book Launch invitation
Last month the book ‘Geographic Citizen Science Design: No one left behind’, edited by Dr Artemis Skarlatidou and Prof. Muki Haklay, was published Open Access by UCL Press (view or download here). On the 23rd of March, from 5 to 6pm (GMT) (which is unfortunately at the inconvenient hour of 4am AEDT) you are invited to a book launch event, which includes a keynote by Susanne Hecker, Chair of the European Citizen Science Association. Other speakers include Dr Antonella Radicchi and Simon Hoyte who will discuss their chapters on soundscape research using the Hush City App and addressing illegal poaching in Cameroon using Sapelli and a Q&A session. If you would like to attend the event please use this link to register https://ucl.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJwqcuippzMjEtFrWO6h30PGj-AHwv-r83IY where you can also view a more…