Changes to ACSA’s Member Portal

Changes to ACSA’s Member Portal

ACSA development
ACSA recently sought suggestions from our members  on how to improve the functionality and effectiveness of our website. Following this, we have decided to proceed with an initial upgrade to our Member Portal. Our new Member Portal will be a front-facing search facility, allowing people to search for a citizen science expert, communicate with others in a relevant field or increase their professional contacts list. This change should vastly increase the functionality of the portal and help provide the networking and connection opportunities that are so often requested. All ACSA members will have the opportunity to be profiled in this portal, and the wider community will be able to search through it. The portal will enable you to: Update your profile to advertise your skills and specialities to others; Search…
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Putting a Citizen Science Stamp on it!

Putting a Citizen Science Stamp on it!

ACSA development, Collaboration & partnerships, Communication & promotion
By Michelle Neil At the end of March 2019 I had just returned from the USA Citizen Science Association’s Conference in Raleigh NC and I had just submitted my ACSA blog about my adventures. I was still buzzing about everyone I had met, the sheer volume of people (over 800!) that were at the Conference and how well citizen science was presented plus the funding and grant opportunities and global collaborations that we talked about. Yet back in Australia, I was frustrated.  Despite the Australian Citizen Science Association’s (and my) best efforts, many Australians still didn’t know what citizen science is or how anyone can contribute to increase scientific knowledge. My husband, John, overheard my grumbling and, with the latest Australia Post Stamp Bulletin in hand, said, “You know what…
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ACSA-QLD – Nominations close 24th May

ACSA-QLD – Nominations close 24th May

ACSA development
ACSA-QLD is seeking nominations to join its Chapter Management Committee! The Queensland Chapter of ACSA was launched January 2019, and is now looking to build a vibrant program for the state’s community of practice (and interest). If you have a role in citizen science in Queensland and some time and energy to offer, please consider getting involved by joining the ACSA-QLD Management Committee in one of the following roles: Chair Vice Chair Secretary / Treasurer (combined role) General Committee Members (x4) Descriptions of these roles are available here. To nominate, please complete and submit the form online. All Committee members must be (or must become) a subscribed member of ACSA. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact James Gullison on 0414 762 374 or via email Nominations close…
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ACSA Job Opportunity

ACSA Job Opportunity

ACSA development, Conferences
ACSA is looking for a driven, passionate and creative individual to join our team to help deliver ACSA’s 3rd national citizen science conference on the Gold Coast in October 2020. The part time, contracted conference liaison position will work closely with the ACSA management committee as well as the agency managing the delivery of the conference. See Position Description below for more information. Applications close February 9th. Position_Description_ACSA_Conference_Liaison
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ACSA’s new committee members

ACSA’s new committee members

ACSA development
At Monday's AGM, the results of the election were announced for ACSA's two new General Members on the Management Committee. We would like to extend a huge thank you to the six people who nominated - the calibre of your applications was outstanding, and we wish we had room for all of you! Thanks also to the ACSA Members who cast their vote. There were 68 valid votes. And now...the results! Firstly, we welcome back Jennifer Loder to the committee. Your commitment to ACSA is outstanding and we are very happy to have you back on board. Secondly, and a big welcome and congratulations to Dr. Cobi Calyx, who will be joining ACSA's commitee for the first time! We look forward to the skills, energy and enthusiasm that you will…
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Meet ACSA’s new host

Meet ACSA’s new host

ACSA development, Collaboration & partnerships
We are thrilled to formally announce that ACSA's new host institution for the next three years is The University of Sydney.  The University of Sydney was founded in 1850 and is Australia's first University. Citizen Science is a burgeoning area of growth in both research and practice at the University of Sydney, and one that is set to expand over the next decade. ACSA will be housed with the Faculty of Science, which is also home to Inspiring Australia NSW. This will be fantastic for strengthening our ties with Inspiring Australia going forward. ACSA will also work closely with the newly formed Citizen Science Node at the University, which oversees all the projects across the university that fall under the citizen science banner. The node's co-director, Dr. Alice Motion, was featured recently…
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Voting open – 2019 AGM

Voting open – 2019 AGM

ACSA development, Communication & promotion
Voting is now open for the election of members to the ACSA Management Committee for 2020-2021. We received six nominations for the two General Member positions available. The six candidates are listed below - you can find their profiles and answers to four questions about the field of citizen science, together with details relevant skills and experience, here.  Alternatively, you can access individual profiles by clicking on the images below. Please use this information to help you decide which two candidates to vote for. General Member Candidates [caption id="attachment_16498" align="alignleft" width="150"] Jordan Gacutan (NSW)[/caption] [caption id="attachment_16496" align="alignleft" width="150"] Dr Cobi Calyx (SA)[/caption] [caption id="attachment_16497" align="alignleft" width="150"] Jonathan Inglis (VIC)[/caption] [caption id="attachment_16499" align="alignleft" width="150"] Dr Maxine Newlands (QLD)[/caption] [caption id="attachment_16500" align="alignleft" width="150"] Rosalinde Brinkman (QLD)[/caption] [caption id="attachment_2532" align="alignleft" width="150"] Jennifer Loder…
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Notice of 2019 ACSA AGM

Notice of 2019 ACSA AGM

ACSA development, Meetings and Events
ACSA would like to extend you an invitation to attend the 2019 Annual General Meeting of of the Australian Citizen Science Association and elections for two General Member management committee positions. During the AGM we will provide: An overview of our achievements from the year; A summary of the 2018-19 Financial Statement, and An opportunity for members to elect two new General Members to the management committee. AGENDA 1:00pm - Doors Open 1:00pm to 1:15pm - Registration / Networking 1:15pm - Annual General Meeting 2:00pm - Close DETAILS Monday 11th November, 2019 Meeting Room 450 | Level 4 Carslaw Building F07 | Eastern Avenue, University of Sydney, NSW 2006 (Meeting Room 450 directions) For those unable to attend in person, we will be offering the meeting as a Zoom meeting…
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Nominate for a role on the ACSA Committee!

Nominate for a role on the ACSA Committee!

ACSA development
It's an election year for ACSA, which means that ACSA Members are eligible to nominate for a position on our Management Committee! We have two General Member positions coming up in November. We are looking for motivated, enthusiastic people who have a little bit of time available to dedicate to growing ACSA and helping us achieve our strategic goals. Skills or experience in fundraising, grant writing, graphic design and/or Wordpress would be advantageous! And the perks are that you get to work with a group of motivated citizen science lovers and shape the future direction of ACSA! For more information about what being on the Management Committee entails, please refer to our Terms of Reference. If you would like to nominate, please click here to access the nomination form. Nominations…
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Tell us more – updating your ACSA member profile

Tell us more – updating your ACSA member profile

ACSA development, Engaging citizens
Two of the key findings from the Member Survey we conducted last year are: people are seeking a community through ACSA, and members are most interested in exchanging knowledge & experiences, and building a professional network. To help facilitate these wishes, we've expanded the 'My ACSA Profile' section on our website and invite you to enter additional information about yourself and your citizen science experience / engagement. We hope that this will help foster that sense of community and enable you to learn more about other members interests and skill sets, which may help achieve that goal of building a professional network. This information will only visible to other ACSA members who are logged in to the membership portal.  We are also working on a search function, which we hope,…
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