ACSA Seed Grant Winners
Congratulations to the recipients of ACSA's Seed Grants for 2020 - Jordan Gacutan and Karen Guymer! The Seed Grants were designed as a way of giving back and investing in our members, with two $1,000 grants available to ACSA members to seed their professional or project's growth in line with ACSA's strategic goals of Participation and Practice.With 12 high quality applications for just 2 grants, our judging panel had a tough time indeed! Congratulations to our two winners: Jordan Gacutan - UNSW / Tangaroa Blue Foundation: The Seed Grant will be used to produce a 5 part video series on scientific sampling and their utility in marine debris monitoring. The videos will consist of theory and field demonstrations, and will aim to increase the scientific skill-set of citizen scientists working with marine debris across Australia. Karen Guymer - Wingecarribee Shire Council: The…