ACSA Seed Grant Winners

ACSA Seed Grant Winners

Collaboration & partnerships, Communication & promotion, CS Project
Congratulations to the recipients of ACSA's Seed Grants for 2020 - Jordan Gacutan and Karen Guymer! The Seed Grants were designed as a way of giving back and investing in our members, with two $1,000 grants available to ACSA members to seed their professional or project's growth in line with ACSA's strategic goals of Participation and Practice.With 12 high quality applications for just 2 grants, our judging panel had a tough time indeed! Congratulations to our two winners: Jordan Gacutan - UNSW / Tangaroa Blue Foundation: The Seed Grant will be used to produce a 5 part video series on scientific sampling and their utility in marine debris monitoring. The videos will consist of theory and field demonstrations, and will aim to increase the scientific skill-set of citizen scientists working with marine debris across Australia. Karen Guymer - Wingecarribee Shire Council: The…
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2020 ACSA Seed Grants open!

2020 ACSA Seed Grants open!

ACSA development, Communication & promotion
Does your project need a little bit of a cash boost? Could you use some extra money to help fund your professional development? In a year where times have been tough for a large part of our community, we are very pleased to announce that the ACSA Seed Grants are back and running for 2020 and we are now accepting applications!  Seed Grants of $1000 each will be awarded to two ACSA members to seed their professional growth or their project’s growth in line with ACSA’s strategic goals of Participation and Practice. Applications close Friday 16 October, 2020. Full details, including how to apply for a Seed Grant 2020 and the T&Cs can be found here. We encourage all members to apply. Not a member yet? Join us!
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Insect Investigators – a school-based citizen science project discovering and documenting our biodiversity

Insect Investigators – a school-based citizen science project discovering and documenting our biodiversity

Blogs, Collaboration & partnerships, Communication & promotion, Field-based citizen science, Showcasing science outcomes
By Erin Fagan-Jeffries My goal is to get the community more involved in the process of how we document and describe our biodiversity – I believe we all should be part of this process to better understand what is living in the environment that we call home. The seed grant from the Australian Citizen Science Association allowed me to top up the amount available from my broader postdoctoral funding to allow four trials of a citizen science project that connected school groups to the process of species discovery. So far, trials of a project have been underway at four school across South Australia: Macclesfield Primary School in the Adelaide Hills, Cowell Area School on the Eyre Peninsula, and Waikerie and Ramco Primary Schools in the Riverland. Each school set up…
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ACSA partners with Minderoo

Collaboration & partnerships, Communication & promotion
Building community preparedness and awareness through citizen science ACSA is pleased to announce a new partnership with the Minderoo Foundation’s Wildfire and Disaster Resilience Program (WDRP). ACSA will collaborate with the WDRP on a program designed to use citizen science methods to empower members of the public to contribute to and co-design research projects that will increase the disaster resilience for landscapes and community at local and national scales. This partnership builds on ACSA’s commitment to build the mechanisms to enable the citizen science community to play an important role in monitoring bushfire recovery and building resilience for future events. Stay tuned for further details on this new and exciting partnership and how you can become involved. For further detail about the MDRP have a listen to Adrian Turner, CEO…
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National Science Week

National Science Week

Communication & promotion, Education, Engaging citizens, Meetings and Events
      ACSA is proud to support Australia’s National Science Week (15-23 August).  There will be a number of citizen science activities to mark the week. Remember these are all online so anyone can participate! 15/08: The Secret life of nudibranch (Gold Coast Libraries) 15/08: Get the GC Reef lowdown (Gold Coast Libraries) 17/08: Whales in the city with Dr Olaf (Humpbacks & High Rises) 17/08: Introducing citizen science to younger people (ACSA ACT & Region) 19/08: Lunimary Lecture: Whales in the city (Gold Coast Libraries) 20/08: What Makes Science Good? (The University of Adelaide) 25/08: The Science and Citizens of the Coorong (Murraylands & Riverland Landscape Board) For more citizen science Science Week activities please click here, and for a complete list of all the National Science Week activities please visit the official website.
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SEED Citizen Science Hub Launch

SEED Citizen Science Hub Launch

Collaboration & partnerships, Communication & promotion, Meetings and Events
The NSW Department of Planning Industry and Environment has launched the SEED Citizen Science Hub to support and grow citizen science in NSW. The hub sits on the SEED (Sharing and Enabling Environmental Data) platform, which is an openly accessible and trusted platform for environmental data. The hub provides many benefits for scientists and data users, project organisers and participants alike, including project registration and promotion, networking and data access, interest from volunteers curious about projects in their local area or finding online projects they can contribute to from home. The hub increases the impact your contributions can have by being openly available to communities, scientists and decision makers. The hub harnesses the enthusiasm, interest and efforts of citizen scientists to enrich the range and depth of data available, to be used as part…
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ALA presentation: underpinning citizen science in Australia

ALA presentation: underpinning citizen science in Australia

Collaboration & partnerships, Communication & promotion, Meetings and Events
ACSA-ACT & Region invites you to join a special online presentation by Peter Brenton of the Atlas of Living Australia (ALA). This presentation will provide an overview of the ALA, including the tools, services and information it provides. It will also cover the benefits to data providers in making their data freely available through the ALA. Time will also be allocated to a Q&A session were your ALA questions will be answered. Underpinning citizen science in Australia Presented by: Peter Brenton Date: 30 July 2020 Time: 7:30PM Format: Online (Zoom) Register here! The Atlas of Living Australia (ALA) is our national facility for biodiversity data, aggregating occurrence observations and other biodiversity information from thousands of sources into a standardised public access data repository which is used by the general public,…
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Environmental biosecurity webinar series – begins in 2 weeks

Environmental biosecurity webinar series – begins in 2 weeks

Communication & promotion, Meetings and Events
The Environmental Biosecurity Office (EBO) is excited to inform you about a new monthly environmental biosecurity webinar series beginning in two weeks. The monthly webinars will run during the last week of each month using Microsoft Teams, and will be held in place of the Environmental Biosecurity Roundtables for 2020. Each webinar will feature three keynote speakers and explore a particular theme relating to environmental biosecurity. The speaking sessions will run for no more than one hour and be followed by a half hour facilitated discussion for those who wish to dive deeper into the topic being discussed. If you have a spare 60 or (even better) 90 minutes a month, you may like to consider logging on for this engaging series! The EBO is planning to use the department’s…
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Global Citizen Science practitioners invited to contribute to UNESCO’s 2021 initiative to promote Open Science

Global Citizen Science practitioners invited to contribute to UNESCO’s 2021 initiative to promote Open Science

Collaboration & partnerships, Communication & promotion, Social research in CS
Open Science, the movement working to make research more accessible and transparent, has been developing since the late 1990s. Citizen Science, has been developing in parallel and benefits from many of the technological advances that have allowed Open Science to flourish. As our networks have been working hard to raise the profile, understanding and uptake of Citizen Science so those encouraging the practice of Open Science have been doing the same with increasing success. Now with an understanding of the importance of the widespread collaboration of communities and science to address urgent planetary challenges, UNESCO has identified the need to encourage science to be more connected to societies’ needs and to offer real opportunities to allow everyone to participate and benefit from what science can offer. They have established a…
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Putting a Citizen Science Stamp on it!

Putting a Citizen Science Stamp on it!

ACSA development, Collaboration & partnerships, Communication & promotion
By Michelle Neil At the end of March 2019 I had just returned from the USA Citizen Science Association’s Conference in Raleigh NC and I had just submitted my ACSA blog about my adventures. I was still buzzing about everyone I had met, the sheer volume of people (over 800!) that were at the Conference and how well citizen science was presented plus the funding and grant opportunities and global collaborations that we talked about. Yet back in Australia, I was frustrated.  Despite the Australian Citizen Science Association’s (and my) best efforts, many Australians still didn’t know what citizen science is or how anyone can contribute to increase scientific knowledge. My husband, John, overheard my grumbling and, with the latest Australia Post Stamp Bulletin in hand, said, “You know what…
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